The increasingly misnamed Brotherhood, whose ranks now include at least as many sisters, has a noble goal: the reinstatement of the true ruling dynasty. But not by such clumsy means as an open coup or similarly shamefully unsubtle means. No, darkness, the poison dagger, the mask and the almost surgical intervention in the existing balance of power are the means of her choice.
Dressed in timeless style and equipped with a code of honor that contains long sub-chapters full of nasty tricks, the brotherhood operates behind the scenes. The searing cold of a poisoned dagger wound in the back is often the first sign that their opponents notice their machinations.
Challenge level
A Brotherhood crew can hire the following number of characters from the different ranks:
- 1 Leader
- 1+ Deckhand characters
- 0-2 Specialists for each deckhand character
- 0-1 Mercenary. A mercenary takes up a specialist’s place.

For reasons that are no longer entirely clear even to him, Pelagio, the legendary founder of Puerto Alto (now Longfall), also founded the Brotherhood. Initially acting as noble guardians of the rightful succession to the throne, they soon realized that life in the colonies was much rougher. Two wings have emerged: the traditionalists, who operate subtly and precisely from the darkness, and the realists, who unabashedly unleash brute force on the streets.
The fate of the Brotherhood on Leonera is characterized by constant ups and downs, especially since the Shadow Beings have been contesting their domain of darkness. But their roots run so deep that they always blossom anew in search of Pelagio’s true descendant.
For the tradition-conscious assassin of the world, nothing beats a discreet black, even if other dark colors offer better camouflage. A white mask and silver accessories let those around her know that her abilities make it unnecessary to hide completely.
The more realistic wing of the Brotherhood dresses like the common people: robust clothes in inconspicuous colors. The two-handed hammer and the casual, non-conformist mask worn around the neck are symbols of belonging enough. And then there are the harlequins with their colorful costumes, but there is always someone in every group who has to overdo it.

Whether traditionalist or realist: Assassins prefer close combat. Accordingly, their arsenal is characterized by daggers, often poisoned, and other stabbing weapons such as rapiers. But the hammer and spiked club also have their place.
Of course, the Brotherhood also knows that you can’t always be as close to your opponent as you want and for such cases some of them carry crossbows, from handy small arms to two-handed monstrosities. But never black powder weapons, whose blinding flash, loud bang and white cloud of powder are frowned upon as inconspicuous.
On the battlefield, the Brotherhood is characterized by its speed and its ability to strike suddenly from unexpected angles. She must make full use of this, as she is not really up to a prolonged exchange of blows or firefights with tough opponents.
Sneaking up behind them, striking meanly and disappearing again quickly – these are the building blocks of their success. The Brotherhood has various abilities and equipment that strengthen their first strike and thus shape their tactics.

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Coming soon
Podcast – Radio Longfall
You can find a very good and detailed (German-language) podcast about this crew on Radio Longfall at Gasthaus Geflüster
Watch it, Arrr!
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